Term 3 Week 6 Wednesday

 Good Morning Explorers!

good mornin

Whoops Mrs Lee forgot to press publish on yesterday's post so you're getting two morning messages today.  I hope you're looking after you and your bubble!

EPro8 Teams it's been great to see your measurement and tutorial challenges coming through.

Mrs Lee will be inviting some of you to join the live EPro8 competition launch on Friday morning so lookout for an email about that.

Mars Rover Team lookout for some more details about our competition in your inbox (email) soon.

Term 3 Week 6 Tuesday

Hi Explorers 

I hope you and your bubble are having a great Tuesday. 

Here's a message from Mrs Lee

It would be great to see some more creations shared on our Maze Flipgrid.

Have you tried the maze challenges yet?  Check out the instructions on the learning at home tab.  

Here is Indigo's maze, can you make one? 

You can have a go at Indigo's maze here

Kauri Whanau check out the create a maze challenge to get instructions on how to make your own

Term 3 Week 6 Monday

Ata mārie Explorers! 

Bitmoji Image

I hope you're having a great start to your week.

Here's a short message from Mrs Lee

and an announcement... 

The 2020 Supreme Rulers are (play the video to find out)

Term 3 Week 5 Friday!

 Good Morning Explorers!

I hope that you're having a fabulous Friday!  Make sure you look after you and your bubble over the weekend.  Here's a message from Mrs Lee...

Don't forget to check out some of the Exploration Station challenges on the Learning at home tab.

I'll be announcing our Supreme Rulers from our EPro8 teams later today.

T3W5 Thursday

 Welcome Explorers!

I hope you're keeping warm and dry today.  
Here's a message from Mrs Lee

Thank you, learners, for sharing what you've been learning with me.  Here are some of the items I've seen so far.

Our EPro8 Teams have been practising for their competition later this term.  They've been measuring all sorts of things and they've just started learning about our very cool EPro8 kit. I won't show their answers here as they're working on getting points for their teams to become the Supreme Rulers... well done to those teams that have already finished the challenge, you're amazing!  There is still time for our other teams to complete the challenge.  Mrs Lee will be awarding the Supreme Ruler certificate on Friday afternoon.

This is the measurement challenge the teams are working on.

Mrs Lee set some maze challenges this week.  
A few of our learners have posted the mazes they've solved and created to our Flipgrid.  They've created some very precise algorithms to get through their mazes. 

You can check out their Flipgrid videos by clicking here
If you have a Sunnyhills account you can make a video comment on their videos. 
If you don't have a Sunnyhills account please comment about the videos on this blog instead.

T3W5 Wednesday

Kia ora Explorers 

Welcome to Wednesday

I hope you're looking after you and your bubble.

Here's a message from Mrs Lee...

T3W5 Tuesday

Ata Mārie Explorers!

good morning!

I hope you're having a great morning so far.  I think Mrs Lee finally got most of the technical bugs worked out yesterday.  That means the Exploration Station challenges are now up on the Learning at Home tab on this blog yepee!

Here's a message from Mrs Lee:

Do check out the SHINE Online post I made earlier this morning too.  It's super important we make sure we're being respectful and kind online.

Have a great day!

How are you going to SHINE Online?

 Let's make sure we can all SHINE Online... 

Did you know that being online (on the Internet) is very similar to being offline (not using the Internet)?

The way we talk to people what and how we show them things should be the same as if we were standing right next to them.

Here's a little reminder about how we should use our Sunnyhills Google Suite accounts.

Now is a good time for everyone to think about how they are treating other people online.  Even if we aren't using a Sunnyhills Google Suite account we should be treating others with respect and kindness - always.

SHINE Online

Remember to check out our SHINE Online site for information on how to stay safe and healthy online

Can you think of some great ways show kindness and respect when you are online?  What could you put in a blog comment? Email? Video?  Chat message?  How could you act in a Google Meet?

Term 3 Week 5 - Monday

 Hi Explorers!

hello sunshine

I hope you're having a great day.

Have you checked your class blog yet?  

Remember to check your blog regularly.  

All our class blogs have a Learning at Home tab that has all of your learning at home slide decks in it.

Mrs Lee is sorting out a few technical issues today so the Exploration Station challenges will be up later today. 

Term 3 Week 4 Friday

 Hi Explorers!

Welcome to Friday!  The end of the school week.  Here's a short message from Mrs Lee this morning... 

I hope you have a great weekend.

Mars Rover Team & EPro8 team keep an eye on your emails hopefully Mrs Lee can sort out a few technical glitches today and get your challenges out to you.

Term 3 Week 4 - Thursday

 Welcome Explorers!

What a beautiful day we're having in Auckland this morning.  
Here's a short message from Mrs Lee this morning...

EPro8 team watch your email I'll send you a link to join our special Google Classroom soon.

Mars Rover Team I'll be setting up our Kais Clan robots later today so you can jump into the app and continue coding. 
Details are on the TeXpert classroom.

Remember to visit your classroom blog and check out the Maths Week challenges on the Maths week site and the extra challenges on Mrs Maddens Maths blog too.

Term 3 Week 4 - Wednesday

 Welcome Explorers!

I hope that you're looking after you and your family today.  
Here's a short message from Mrs Lee. 

Remember to spring into maths week

Check out the maths week site here 

Check out the learning at home challenges that are still live for you to complete if you chose to.