Empathetic and Brave - SHINE Online with Room 22

This term in the Exploration Station we'll be looking at the E on the end of SHINE for our SHINE Online program.  E, in this case, stands for Empathetic and Brave.  It's thinking about how what we do online is important and how we can make sure what we post is going to help others.

Some of our year two classes managed to help write their own blog post.  Here's what Room 22 wrote with Mrs Lee. 

Hello, we are Room 22 and we are building a road in our brains.  We are learning about what to do before we post online.

Here are the things we need to remember:

  • Don't put nasty things online.
  • Check before you post online. 
  • Report anything you see that is nasty.
  • If you see something nasty tell a trusted adult.

This is Olivia, Claire and Olive coding with Digi Duck

This is Phoneix, Oscar, Jacob, Theo, Grace and Zoey making a Digi Duck and his friends

This is Eric making comments on a class blog

This is Dylan and Masan coding using Code.org