VeX Go Here we go

We've finally had a chance to test out our VeX Go kits.  Our Year 3 students in Room 13 have been busy creating Flag Poles with the VeX Go kits and figuring out what all the different building blocks in the kit are capable of. 

Check out their creations below:

Construction, Robots, 3D Design, WOW!


Wow, the Exploration Station has been buzzing with learners this week. It's been so good to be back at school learning together. 

We've had our little learners from Room 23 working on becoming computer scientists.  
They've been looking at algorithms and how they can use them to tell a computer what to do.
We worked with a buddy and some of us were computer scientists while our buddy was a computer.  Our computers could only do what we told them to do.

It was quite tricky to get our computers to go the right way.  We had to think carefully about our instructions and how we put them together into an algorithm.

Our Mars Rover team has been hard at work with our Kais Clan robots getting ready to make their submission to the Great New Zealand Mars Mission.  Today we got a bit of help working with our temperature sensor, getting music into our creation and thinking about how we're using our 3D models.  Our Mars Rover team has created their own 3D models in Tinker Cad to add to our Mars Mission.

Our EPro8 competition teams have been working on using our EPro8 kit and making sure they're ready for their competition.   They've also started planning their super-secret competition submissions but I can't tell you about those yet...
Bitmoji Image

Term 3 Week 6 Wednesday

 Good Morning Explorers!

good mornin

Whoops Mrs Lee forgot to press publish on yesterday's post so you're getting two morning messages today.  I hope you're looking after you and your bubble!

EPro8 Teams it's been great to see your measurement and tutorial challenges coming through.

Mrs Lee will be inviting some of you to join the live EPro8 competition launch on Friday morning so lookout for an email about that.

Mars Rover Team lookout for some more details about our competition in your inbox (email) soon.

Term 3 Week 6 Tuesday

Hi Explorers 

I hope you and your bubble are having a great Tuesday. 

Here's a message from Mrs Lee

It would be great to see some more creations shared on our Maze Flipgrid.

Have you tried the maze challenges yet?  Check out the instructions on the learning at home tab.  

Here is Indigo's maze, can you make one? 

You can have a go at Indigo's maze here

Kauri Whanau check out the create a maze challenge to get instructions on how to make your own